4 Ways to Use Correspond For Your Investor Communication

We believe that technology is the most efficient way to provide a better investor experience. Correspond Investor Edition is an integrated investor communication and document distribution add­-on to AIM, the CRM for Private Capital Markets.

Bridge the gap between your CRM and investors with this communication solution. Correspond Investor Edition simplifies your email communications throughout the entire investor lifecycle with audit functionality and flexibility to track and send documents.

Here are 4 ways you can integrate Correspond into your workflow to increase investor satisfaction.

Share Private Placement Memorandums

Correspond Investor Edition makes it easy to share disclosure documents with potential investors.

Using report filters directly from your CRM data you are able to drill down and segment the correct contacts to send Private Placement Memorandums (PPMs) to any prospects.

Report-based filters give you the flexibility to segment your contacts and send a specific document to only the target audience. From there, make more informed decisions for deals and fundraising with the ability to analyze individual contact performance stats.

Investor Communication: Generate Capital Calls

When it’s time to make a capital call, you need precision and accuracy. This often takes shape in extremely intricate and time-consuming data audits.  Even with a fund administrator, as the primary contact point for your investors, you want to send their communications directly from your CRM so you know it’s how they prefer to hear from you and you can track the receipt.

Correspond Investor Edition removes the tedious data review and allows you to easily generate personalized capital calls from premade templates and distribute them by email or securely through our portal, ShareSecure.

With the addition of Master Investor Contacts (MICs) you can set a standard group of Contacts for an Account. Use this master investor contact list to include all relevant contacts in specific communications for all of your funds.

Produce Distribution Notices

After sending a Capital Call you are ready to send out personalized distribution notices to each investor.

Seamless and accurate investor communication methods are core to Investor Edition. That’s why we’ve incorporated the ability for multiple audit steps throughout the batch process. Rest assured, information is split and shared correctly with these key features.

Investor Communication: Send Tax Forms

Reduce time spent on tax documents like annual K1s with Correspond Investor Edition. Easily share earnings, losses, deductions, and credits with each stakeholder.

The information is accurate and stored securely within your CRM so you have an audit trail of all tax documents you’ve shared with stakeholders.

Since Correspond Investor Edition launched in 2014, we’ve learned a lot from our users. In the 2020 upgrade, we’ve incorporated requests and feedback and moved the product onto Salesforce’s latest technology, the Lightning Experience.

We continue to improve our products to create technology that supports Private Capital Markets. Reduce the time spent on mundane tasks and focus on building relationships and creating a great investor experience.

Correspond’s new interface comes along with a host of great features and a better user experience. To learn more, visit  Correspond Investor Edition product page.
