Private Equity Technology: Getting the Most Out of Your Solutions

The most successful private equity firms today are upgrading to integrated software suites and technology systems. From an increasing need for scalability, transparency, and security, to optimizing business processes in order to save time, resources, and money, private equity technology solutions are proven to help firms grow and thrive. 

Most firms have already adopted technology to a degree. However, non-integrated or disparate solutions can lead to issues of their own. So-called “swivel chair processes”—manual entry of the same information into different systems—cause significant strain on a firm’s time and resources. 

In addition, increasing industry regulation requires greater transparency. And moving data to and from CRM systems and online storage requires digital security measures that are continually evolving to address new threats. 

How can firms overcome these challenges and get ahead of the competition? They have to do more than implement new private equity technology. They have to adopt the right technology.

Purpose-Built and Integrated Technology

Innovators solve problems, whether they’re developing solutions in private equity technology or in any other field. Rather than just addressing symptoms, companies like Altvia search for root causes in order to improve systems from the ground up.

Exploring underlying issues often reveals that key segments of a firm’s core requirements aren’t being met. These symptoms can include a lack of transparency and security, poor user experience, issues with time and resource allocation, and an inability to scale. A little research can also reveal the high cost of supporting inefficient systems.

When a firm is experiencing even one of these issues, it can have a far-reaching impact both internally and externally. And we’re not just talking about it taking a little longer to complete tasks. The inability to address stakeholder needs efficiently and effectively can result in a firm losing lucrative deals.  

Fortunately, properly integrated technology can solve even the most deep-rooted issues. For example, a well-designed CRM solution that’s purpose-built for the private equity industry and combined with integrated correspondence and LP portal solutions can dramatically improve how a firm interacts with stakeholders.

That includes:

  • Demonstrating transparency
  • Increasing the security of online resources
  • Saving time and effort for users with intuitive navigation
  • Providing scalability to accommodate rapid growth
  • Reducing long-term costs

What’s more, implementing state-of-the-art private equity technology solutions can help a business position itself as an industry leader, strengthen its reputation, and close more deals. Stakeholders need to have confidence in the firm they’re dealing with before they commit to a project, and using private equity technology rather than a random collection of generic systems shows them that you’re focused on meeting their needs. 

Finding The Right Solutions

Many firms begin to look for new solutions once internal pain or external pressure reaches an apex. This turning point drives awareness of the need for change and prompts firms to research solutions in order to find the right provider. 

However, there’s no need to reach a pain threshold before starting your search—and every reason to assess your options in advance so you’re ready to make your move. To get started, first assess and document your firm’s operations and the private equity technology solutions required to support them properly. 

Next, look at your current systems. How are they working for your team internally and for your external partners and investors? Is your team spending too much time moving information between systems? Do you need greater visibility or transparency for your investors? Create a functionality priority list for your firm and then use it as you search for new solutions.

Adopting Technology Gradually

Keep in mind that a complete overhaul isn’t always necessary. It may be that simply integrating a communications tool or investor portal, for example, will improve your operations significantly. Or finding a company that provides consulting and professional services could have a tremendous impact on your business.

The important thing is to keep in mind that there are private equity technology solutions available for any need. And a small investment of time, effort, and capital to find and implement new systems can produce an outstanding, long-term return. 

For more information about how our private equity technology suite can help your firm, get started below.
