Running your Monday Morning Meetings Remotely

Running Your Monday Morning Meeting Remotely

As people start to increasingly work from home, It’s important to be flexible and continue to run a successful Monday Morning Meeting remotely.

There are key steps you can take to keep your meeting running smoothly, your firm on the same page, and reports that can be built to monitor coverage, stages, and overall communication.

5 Steps to a Successful REMOTE Monday Morning Meeting

1. Stay Connected & Over Communicate

Determine that everyone on your team has the proper resources to complete their jobs. Obviously they will need a computer, but they will also need access to a VPN if you have one, access to software and programs to complete their everyday tasks, and a good internet connection for video conferencing.

It is important to over-communicate with employees as they are working remotely. Even with people in different locations, it is imperative that everyone in the firm stays on top of new developments and possible investments.

2. Pre-Built Report Dashboards

For the remote Monday Morning Meeting, you need correct and current data and an easy way to view it. Pre-built dashboards allow the team to focus on the data they need.

If you’re managing your meetings in Excel, the Monday meeting process entails disseminating the static information to participants and making changes in the spreadsheet during the meeting.

The issue with using Excel is the data becomes stale. With people looking at multiple versions of the same spreadsheet there is more room for human error. With a fund manager software like AIM, firms can store their data in a database, update in real-time, and work off one single source of truth.

Fund management software only allows for one version of the truth so there is no longer the possibility of teams working with outdated versions of the data and any necessary changes such as assigning tasks and making updates can be made life in the system of record during the meeting or right after and you’re already ready for next week’s meeting.

AIM gives you the ability to distribute PDF reports before the meeting via email, or even displayed on a monitor to keep everyone prepared and up to speed.

3. Track External Communications

As your team is working from home, it’s even more crucial to track external communications to makes sure no prospective investors slip through the cracks.

Coverage dashboards are a great way to review who has spoken to who and how many days have elapsed. These can also be broken down into a personal level so everyone knows what their specific task is for the day or week and then reviewed as a whole at the Monday Morning meeting. This gives your oversight into the operations of your team even as they are working out of sight.

4. Subscribe to Reports

Coordinate and keep the entire firm on the same page by subscribing to reports. When you subscribe to reports, the reports are sent directly to your email inbox or anyone else on the team.

Reports can be triggered by date and time or when a certain stage is reached. This keeps everyone at the firm stay up-to-date throughout the week, even when they aren’t physically in the office.

5. Mobile App

Another important step to a successful remote meeting is to invest in fund management software that offers a mobile app. This allows you to view any report or dashboard on any mobile device from anywhere in the world. As your firm moves to a more remote space for your firm as a standard, make sure you implement effective processes for your team.

If you need help building reports and dashboards, reach out to our Altvia Care team at or visit the Altvia Care Community for articles on best practices.
