Fund of Funds Software

Visibility into funds, co-invests, and investors in one seamless system

Powering The Top Tier

Complete Fund of Funds Platform

As a multi-funds manager, you wear two important hats – as a fund manager and as an investor. You likely have a significant amount of data in different systems, shared with a variety of people. As your team grows and funds multiply you need even more visibility into the growing number of interactions that take place as well as a way to efficiently report portfolio performance and share investment materials.

Leverage your intelligence and drive deliberate decisions with a new level of visibility through Altvia’s fund of funds software. By connecting your communications, insights from your data and collaborative workflows you can bridge the gap between your operations and front-office activities. Take a deeper dive into your portfolios and strengthen investor confidence with a comprehensive, purpose-built CRM, customizable pipeline management, clear reporting and investor communications.

Powerful Client Management​

Manage your relationships, portfolio investments and data with a tailored CRM solution built for private equity. Drive efficiency and seamlessly handle your critical fund management tasks, investor meetings, and pipeline.

Altvia PE Software screenshots - Optimize Workflows

Stand-Out Investor Relations​

Share documents, streamline due diligence processes and create thoughtful investor touchpoints for internal efficiency and external satisfaction.

Better Investment Sourcing​

Collect and classify the critical information your firm needs throughout each stage of the pipeline to have an edge in competitive investments.

Altvia PE Software screenshots - Deal Analytics

Instant Data Analytics & Business Intelligence​​

Track, update and customize built-in dashboards to be the most accurate and relevant. Or, explore beautiful data visualizations with an industry-specific business intelligence solution.

I think it [AIM] helped us to look at our data in a different way. We had been looking very high level and now we are able to break it down and be more specific. We have more accurate and more meaningful data –- we are a lot more efficient.

Adam Ciborowski
RCP Advisors

A Powerful, Easy-To-Use Platform


AIM: Manage Contacts & Data

Understand your pipeline with the only platform built for PE on Salesforce.

Guide | Data & Tech for Private Equity Firms

How private equity uses software and technology to gain a competitive advantage.

Blog: Efficiency For Fund Managers

Security, transparency and access to data are basic requirements for fund managers.

Case Study: RCP Advisors

RCP Advisors uses AIM to make better decisions with access to deeper insights and better reporting.

Let’s Have a Conversation

How your firm can leverage Altvia for a proprietary edge.