Guide | The PEriodic Table of Technology

Structure Your Firm’s Tech Stack For More Efficiency

The traditional CRM is built for “customer” scenarios and provides a generic solution that many industries can use. However, for private capital markets, this generic version isn’t quite right. Why? Mainly because the standard CRMs assume all businesses operate with the same parts—a customer, a sale, and a service. However, for PE/VCs, this approach is missing key industry-specific pieces.

By customizing a technology-driven experience for LPs, PE/VCs can create a differentiated and opportunistic customer experience. And that all starts with building a tech stack that aligns to your firm’s unique goals and operations.

We have a PEriodic table of technology that helps demonstrate how technology maps to the traditional functional areas of a private markets investment firm. In this guide, we’ll lay it out step by step for you, and detail what you need to know to structure your firm’s tech stack for more efficiency, and to best enable yourself to stand out from the competition.

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