A Call to Action for The Next Generation of Private Equity

Private equity is a competitive industry. The bar for investment returns is higher than ever, and the need to innovate has never been greater.

One way firms are getting ahead of the curve is by investing in technology – from fund-raising software to CRM platforms that allow you to communicate with LPs on an individual basis.

As part of our ongoing mission to educate those looking for career opportunities in private equity, we’ve compiled this list of resources that cover all aspects of how technology can be used to help the next generation of private equity professionals succeed.

1. How are you investing in technology to grow your business?

2. Which tech trends do you see fundamentally changing the way private equity operates?

3. How can a good CRM system increase LPs’ satisfaction with their relationship with your firm?

At Altvia, we see these as some of the core questions to ask yourself when thinking about how to best position your firm and yourself for future success.

Investing in technology to grow your business.

Here are some things to consider when investing in software and technology for your private equity firm: – Can you stay competitive? Private equity firms are increasingly looking at the competition and how they can keep up with the industry’s demand for best-in-class performance from investors, companies, and portfolio managers.

A key area of focus is digitizing client experiences while also giving them a seamless experience across all platforms. That’s the key to creating a phenomenal LP experience.

Tech trends fundamentally change the way private equity operates.

As we have discussed, the private equity world is changing and adapting to better meet investor demands. That includes an increased focus on technology in general and software solutions specifically. – What are your future needs?

A key consideration when deciding what to invest in is assessing your firm’s current state and how it will evolve over time with respect to industry trends, changes in strategy, or organizational structure.

Building a best-in-class team of people that is constantly able to do more with less, through automation and data-driven insights is key to maintaining your current edge.

How a good CRM increases LP satisfaction.

Our SVP of Industry Solutions and Strategy, Jeff Williams explains,

“Better understanding your network, your relationship with that network, being more efficient at servicing and communicating with that network, and having the data to service and support that network are significant differentiators that many fund managers are still not taking advantage of. I expect that we’re in the early innings of this phase, and if some of the B2C markets that were early adopters of these technologies are any indication, the returns will be impressive and create outstanding differentiation for those who adopt them.”

Investment firms need to be able to adapt and change in order to stay competitive. One way of doing this is by using software for managing the relationship with investors, automating administrative tasks, or getting data-driven insights on how an investment strategy performs.
