Fund Management Software: Managing Documents in the Cloud

There are two facts that define today’s alternative investment industry. One, the data contained in documents is its lifeblood, and being able to access those documents whenever and from wherever you need to is critical in an increasingly competitive business. Two, firms that keep these facts in mind and take steps to address them by implementing the right fund management software give themselves a distinct advantage. Those that don’t inevitably fall behind.

Better Accessibility and Organization With Advanced Fund Management Software

If you work in alternative investments, you know that firms today generate and receive huge numbers of documents as part of their fundraising and due diligence processes. This massive “library” is essential to decision-making and a key to your success.

But simply having these documents isn’t enough. In order for them to be valuable, they have to be easily accessed and organized in a logical manner. Take too much time to locate important documents and you risk losing a deal. 

The days of storing documents on a local shared network drive are long gone. Or at least they should be. Issues ranging from confusing naming conventions to lack of remote access have historically led to terrible inefficiencies. 

Cloud storage gives you access to documents anytime, anywhere — a true game-changer.

Leading-Edge: Efficiency as a Foundation for Success

There are a number of factors that contribute to success in the financial industry. Experience and insight, for example, are crucial. But an often-overlooked attribute of successful firms is technology efficiency. 

Firms that improve the efficiency of their tech stack and processes tend to see a corresponding improvement in the bottom line. The two naturally go hand-in-hand.

Consequently, implementing leading-edge, cloud-based fund management software and the enhanced document management capabilities it offers is one of the best moves your firm can make.  

The linking of documents and other files to contact records, along with powerful search capability, makes it simple to find the information you need and get it to interested parties quickly. 

And, of course, there is no set “business hours” today. So, being able to find and share documents whenever stakeholders request them, and from anywhere, is vital.

Learn more about our full suite of solutions for alternative investment firms.
