How Much Fund Management Software Do You Need?

Private Capital Market firms are in a time of transition. Firms that were once considered niche or second tier have grown to become major players in the industry, and they now compete with the likes of Blackstone, KKR, Carlyle Group and others for new investments.

Altvia understands this evolution and has developed an engagement platform for GP-LP relationships to be successful through all stages of a firm’s lifecycle: inception, growth, expansion and ultimately exit.

Determine what level of technology you need

One of the key factors to consider when purchasing software is whether your firm needs a technology solution. This may sound obvious, but as we’ll see in this article, there are plenty of people who need help determining what they actually need.

Some firms don’t feel they have any business challenges that can be solved with better software. They often find out later that their existing systems couldn’t keep up with market changes and higher performance expectations without extensive redevelopment or replacement, which led to lost time and wasted spend. This is what we seek to avoid for our clients.

Improve Core operations with fund management software

Software can be a vital tool in your strategy to grow and maintain business success. Some example use cases where software can give your firm operating leverage include: time management and monitoring performance metrics; ability to track investments across multiple funds or portfolios; effective compliance controls; clearly understanding how one investment is linked to another within the firm; onboarding new hires quickly.

These are just some examples where investing in a well-designed CRM system can help improve your business outcomes. Without a robust system in place, it becomes very difficult to see where your firm is outperforming vs underperforming in the fund lifecycle.

“Altvia has been able to identify new revenue opportunities by making it easy for GP’s and LP’s to manage their business. We were able to launch a product that is differentiated from the competition, because we understood what was needed from our clients.” says Kevin Kelly, CEO of Altvia.

It is critical for Private Capital Market firms to focus on improving their core operations so they can reach greater heights in this rapidly changing industry. Investing in improved operations is something that we have seen firms in private capital markets preach to portfolio companies for years but not all teams in the space are practicing what they preach.

Looking to invest in fund management software?

Our buyer’s guide can help anyone in the Private Capital Markets sector narrow down what partner you need to be sure your firm is on the right track for growth.

Read our Buyers Guide to Private Equity Technology for a better understanding of what questions you should be asking before you decide.

fund management software